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Essentially, base::match() but tailored to citations. Returns a vector of the positions of (first) matches of a citation input (first argument) in a reference citation input (second argument) based on common publication IDs (PMID, PMCID, DOI).


match_citations(x, ref, add_col = NULL, nomatch = NA_integer_)


x, ref

a vector of PMID, PMCID, DOI, or Scopus IDs; or a "citation" dataframe with 1 or more of these as columns (column names should correspond to ID type; case-insensitive)


The name of the column to add to x with the match results, as a string, or NULL (default) if results should be returned as a vector.


the value to be returned in the case when no match is found. Note that it is coerced to integer.


If x is a vector or add_col is FALSE (default), an integer vector of the same length as x (if a data.frame, of length equal to the number of rows). If x is a data.frame and add_col is TRUE, a mutated data.frame with a cite_match integer column identifying match positions in ref.


The citation inputs can be vectors, data.frames, or a mix. For matching, each input requires at least one vector containing one of the three standard, consistent publication identifiers (PMID, PMCID, or DOI). Columns in data.frames are identified by name (case-insensitive, e.g. 'PMID' or 'pmid').

When both inputs are data.frames, match_citations() will match on all ID types present in both inputs, returning matches from the highest priority ID type (priority: PMID > PMCID > DOI > Scopus EID). It also tells the user what ID columns are identified and the order used in a message.

When no matching citation from ref can be found, NA is returned.