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Prints OMIM inventory report statistics.


# S3 method for class 'oieb'
print(x, ...)



An object of class oieb.


Arguments passed on to base::print.default


a non-null value for digits specifies the minimum number of significant digits to be printed in values. The default, NULL, uses getOption("digits"). (For the interpretation for complex numbers see signif.) Non-integer values will be rounded down, and only values greater than or equal to 1 and no greater than 22 are accepted.


a character string which is used to indicate NA values in printed output, or NULL (see ‘Details’).

a non-negative integer \(\le 1024\), or NULL (meaning 1), giving the spacing between adjacent columns in printed vectors, matrices and arrays.


logical, indicating whether or not strings should be right aligned. The default is left alignment.


a non-null value for max specifies the approximate maximum number of entries to be printed. The default, NULL, uses getOption("max.print"): see that help page for more details.


controls the maximum number of columns on a line used in printing vectors, matrices, etc. The default, NULL, uses getOption("width"): see that help page for more details including allowed values.


logical, indicating whether to use source references or copies rather than deparsing language objects. The default is to use the original source if it is available.